Monday, March 5, 2012

I welcome being part of the WVT Blog

More and more West Vincent residents want a voice to discuss the issues that evolve from CM's lies and half truths. I am one of these voices that want to be heard and will always sign my name to this blog. Lee Calhoon

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

why West Vincent Township Open Forum?

West Vincent neighbor:

I propose we use this blog to share information and opinions with other Township residents. I hope they will voice their opinions and share solid facts with their neighbors here in West Vincent.

I will moderate with help from others. Our role will be to post only signed messages or comments and to remove offensive remarks or personal attacks before they are posted.  Note here is a link at the lower right where you can subscribe to receive posts.

Please write with your questions or concerns and we'll try to find someone who can give us all a straight, unvarnished response.

Keep in touch, Sara Shick
Davis Lane--I vote in West Vincent Precinct 2

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Trouble with comments?

Me, too.

Don't know why, but I wrote one, pressed preview and it disappeared. So, before I tired again, I drafted in Word and copied it to be prepared to have to do it several times, and it worked right on the first try. I don't know what the trouble is, but it's been reported to me by several people.

Here's my offer: if it happens to you, feel free to send your (signed) comment to me and I'll post it as a comment or a new post, whichever you indicate to me.

Hope it's just a momentary glitch in Blogger...

Best wishes, Sara

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Real Facts, Real Names, Real People

It's just that simple.

Ask your questions, voice your concerns, and we'll try to get you a good clear honest answer.

We love living in West Vincent Township and want to help others feel the same way.

Sara Shick